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70173 Stuttgart
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Wet weathers heaters

IP67: For extreme weathers (wetness and dust)

The IP67 cartridge heater is special designed to work with extremely wet conditions, as well as in liquid cased processing, or in the feeding industry where the cleaning of the machinery is a must.

It is build with fluoropolymer (FPA) coating cables making its cleaning easy so nothing could be bond to it. Its internal sealing is made with a fluoropolymer (FPA) plug and an epoxy seal that resist high temperatures, being an absolutely waterproof set.

  • Long resistance
  • High temperatures
  • Maximum wattage capacity 258W/inch2
  • Special for extreme weathers (wetness and dust)
Acabados, Ends Protecciones, Protections Stock 24h

Internal complements

Termocopia, Termocouple Distribución de Watios, Watt distribution Zonas interactivas, Inactive Areas Diferencia de voltaje, Different voltages

Protection index IP

The 60529 protection index is an International Electrotechnics Commission standard, that rates the protection level against solid intrusions, dust, accidental connections or water.

Dust protection.
Code: 6 Effectivity: any dust permeation, completed protected connections.

Water protection.
Code: 7 Effectiveness: in case of water immergence, the set will not be severely damaged within defined conditions of pressure and time (1 metre submergence).


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