Maxiwatt Königstrasse 10 C
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0) 711 222 54 491
Fax: +49 (0) 711 222 54 200
Made to order 24-hour dispatch on-line shop


Heating of solid, fluids or gases within a specific time

This calculation does not take into account the eventual heat loss.

P = Power on installing in Kw
V = Volume to be heated in l. (or dm3)
p = Weight in kg/dm3
Vp = Weight on heating in kg
t1 = Initial temperature in ºC
t2 = final temperature in ºC
Cp = Specific heat in Kcal/ Kg x ºC
T = Time of heating (in hours)
1.2 = Cofficient of seconds, considering tolerance on tension of the sector and on the ohm value of the cartridge.

P =  V * p * Cp * (t2 - t1) * 1,2
860 * T

Calculation of W/cm2

W/cm2 = charge of the surface w/cm2
P = power of the cartridge heater (w)
S = surface (cm2) = diameter. Length heated ( units in cms)

W/Cm2 P


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